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Why is Competitive Advantage Important and How to Get One

A lot of people (including me) talk about competitive advantage and how it is vital to have one for the ongoing success of your business.  This is very true, but what is the BEST sort of competitive advantage to have?


In a highly competitive industry like construction, it can be challenging for small businesses to stand out and establish a competitive advantage. However, with the right strategies and mindset, a small construction company can gain a foothold in the market and develop a competitive edge that can help them thrive and grow. In this article, we will discuss some effective ways to develop a competitive advantage for a small construction company.


Specialize in a Niche

One of the most effective ways to develop a competitive advantage is to specialize in a niche area of construction. Instead of trying to be a jack-of-all-trades, focus on a specific area of expertise where you can excel and differentiate yourself from your competitors. For example, you could specialize in green building, historic renovations, or high-end custom homes. By becoming known for your expertise in a particular area, you can attract clients who are specifically looking for those types of services and command a premium price for your specialized skills.


Adapt the Value Discipline of Customer Intimacy

Another way to differentiate yourself from the competition is to provide outstanding customer service. Many construction companies focus solely on completing the project on time and within budget, but neglect to prioritize the customer experience. By going above and beyond to make sure your clients become raving fans, you can create a positive reputation that will attract more business through referrals and word-of-mouth. Make sure to communicate clearly and frequently with your clients, listen to their concerns, and address any issues promptly and professionally.


Embrace Technology

In today’s digital age, technology can be a powerful tool for gaining a competitive advantage. Invest in software and tools that can help you streamline your operations, improve productivity, and provide better service and communications to your clients. For example, project management software can help you stay organized and on schedule, while virtual reality and 3D modelling tools can help you create realistic renderings and visualizations for your clients. By leveraging technology effectively, you can stay ahead of the curve and offer a more modern and efficient approach to construction.


Build a Strong Brand

Bringing elements of your competitive advantage together in a cohesive offering is effectively building your brand in the market. Your brand is effectively how your company is emotionally perceived by the public. Invest in creating a strong brand identity that reflects your values, mission, and unique selling proposition. This includes everything from the experience a customer has with you, to your logo and website, your social media presence and marketing materials.


Develop Strong Relationships with Suppliers and Contractors

In construction, your success often depends on the quality of your suppliers and contractors. By developing strong relationships with these partners, you can ensure that you have priority access to the best materials and expertise, and can complete projects more efficiently and effectively. Make sure to communicate clearly and frequently with your partners, pay them promptly, and treat them with respect and professionalism. By nurturing these relationships, you can establish a reputation as a trustworthy and reliable partner and promote this unique team strength to your potential clients.


Prioritize Safety and Sustainability

Finally, another way to develop a competitive advantage is to prioritize safety and sustainability in your construction projects. Not only is this the responsible thing to do, but it can also be a powerful marketing tool. By emphasizing your commitment to safety and sustainability, you can attract clients who value these principles and are willing to pay a premium for them. This includes everything from using eco-friendly materials and practices to implementing strict safety protocols on job sites.


The article above gives you some possible ways to develop a competitive advantage for your business. These are not the only strategies you can follow however, so to develop a specific competitive advantage plan for your, business reach out to me HERE and book a strategic review.

Andy Burrows