Post-It notes on a board

The 2 cent Action Plan Tool

Business Plan by Post-it Note Business plans are a good thing thing to do for your business, but the majority end up to be just a bunch of wishes and dreams because they lack the most important ingredient; ACTION. Here is something that costs 2 cents and will help you put your plan into action:…

Longer Hours = Less Productivity

Research out of Stamford University earlier this year showed that productivity declines quickly after working for more than 50 hours per week and declines even faster after the 55 hour mark. I suspect that they just tested office workers in big companies, rather than owners of small businesses.  Long hours seem to come with the…

A Problem Shared

This month I started another semi-group “coaching” program for 2015, called the Construction Business MasterClass, at my office in Albany. Participants are into the first “Your Foundations” diagnostic phase and already seeing the benefits of coming on-board. I knew from my experience that participants would receive tremendous value in the 3-way analysis that is conducted on…

Don’t Drop The Baton

Running a trade business (or any business for that matter) can be likened to running a 4 x 100m relay race.  When everything runs smoothly and the baton is passed from hand-to-hand seamlessly, it is a pleasure to behold.  Drop the baton at some critical stage and all the good work done to date is…

Sharpened Your Saw lately?

Today (Saturday) I spend 4 hours with my business coach, Taki Moore, while he was visiting Auckland.  Yes, I am a business coach and I have a business coach too.  I am always looking to up my game and improve the service that I can offer my clients.  Part of that improvement comes from self learning,…

Resolutions or Pipe Dreams?

Made any New Year resolutions this month?  By any chance were they the same ones you set last year, because they were the ones you didn’t quite reach the year before?  Are you wasting your time with New Year resolutions and are they just pipe dreams that won’t make it past February? If you are…

The Future of Home Printing

Despite recent advances in construction, such as pre-nailed frames, nail guns, lasers, etc., the basic method of nailing timber together to build a house hasn’t changed a lot.  Prepare for a quantum leap in construction however.  It won’t happen next year, but it will happen in the not too distant future and will make the…