Give Yourself a Test

The following is a cut down version of a post I read on a US website from George Hedley.  He is a business coach much like myself and focuses on the construction industry.  If you want to check him out his website is I like and agree with what he says and thought you…


I’d Rather Juggle Chainsaws

Labour is biggest maker or breaker in project profitability in the construction industry. A 5% swing either way can cause a 50% swing in net profit.  This is particularly true for renovation projects, where the labour component typically represents a higher proportion of the total cost, compared to new builds.  The work is also more…


Prevent Budget Blowouts

With the construction industry being pretty buoyant at the moment, attention should be turned to improving operational efficiency as the best way to increase profits. Last year I ran a couple of seminars based on the results of an industry survey on the frustrations builders have in project management.  It sparked some interest so I thought…


Sharpened Your Saw lately?

Today (Saturday) I spend 4 hours with my business coach, Taki Moore, while he was visiting Auckland.  Yes, I am a business coach and I have a business coach too.  I am always looking to up my game and improve the service that I can offer my clients.  Part of that improvement comes from self learning,…


Resolutions or Pipe Dreams?

Made any New Year resolutions this month?  By any chance were they the same ones you set last year, because they were the ones you didn’t quite reach the year before?  Are you wasting your time with New Year resolutions and are they just pipe dreams that won’t make it past February? If you are…


Customer satisfaction IS the new marketing

Thanks to one of my builder clients, Dan for this post.  He sent me a link to a very interesting infographic about modern trends in marketing, and I have included that link below. One aspect was not new at all, but maybe is coming back into vogue a bit. Focusing on customer satisfaction.  Why?  The…


The Future of Home Printing

Despite recent advances in construction, such as pre-nailed frames, nail guns, lasers, etc., the basic method of nailing timber together to build a house hasn’t changed a lot.  Prepare for a quantum leap in construction however.  It won’t happen next year, but it will happen in the not too distant future and will make the…


Time for some Forward Focused Reflection

So it is late November, 2014. The year is fast drawing to a close and 2015 is just around the corner. A chance for a fresh start and to really achieve better results than last year. So what are you going to do different in 2015 that will actually make a change in your situation…


Why Have Staff Meetings?

The staff meeting — or “stiff meeting” as it is sometimes known in many companies — can become a colossal waste of time. Many consider staff meetings a practical alternative to work; as a place to think about this weekend’s fishing trip or to refine their doodling skills. All because there is too little thought invested in…


Are Your Flying Blind?

Imagine you are flying over the Pacific Ocean and the captain comes on the PA system.  “Ladies and gentlemen, I have some bad news and some good news.  The bad news is that all our instruments are out.  I have no idea where we are headed, how much fuel we have or what height we…
